Outsourced Billing & AR Follow-Up

At our core, we do much more than mere billing and collections. We harness the power of analytics and optimization to transform your financial operations. Our cutting-edge automated workflow technology meticulously reduces human error by pinpointing the exceptions in each of your claim encounters. This strategic approach not only streamlines your processes but significantly enhances the financial well-being of your organization. Trust us to elevate your financial performance through innovation and precision.

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Revolutionizing Financial Operations with Outsourced Billing & AR Follow-Up

Outsourced Billing

Accounts Receivable Management (AR Management) solutions

Our Accounts Receivable Management (AR Management) solutions are tailored to optimize your revenue streams. As a partner with Wakefield on your AR projects, the initial phase involves defining the ‘universe’ of patient accounts. This can be delineated by specific parameters such as age range (Day 1, Day 30, etc.), Financial Class/Payer (WC, Auto, Commercial, Government), or a strategic blend of both (Day 45 Commercial). Once within the defined scope, our comprehensive processes are implemented to ensure seamless management of patient accounts, maximizing revenue for your practice. For patient accounts within scope, the following processes will be performed:

  • Payer follow-up
  • Adjudication review
  • Denied claim review
  • Receivable monitoring
  • Other billing services may be added on AR Management scope utilizing Client system and clearinghouse

The Wakefield Promise

  • Increased collections
  • Reduced AR aging
  • Excellent customer service
  • Dedicated Client Manager
  • In-depth Monthly Reporting
  • Notes files for ingestion into Client system

Outsourced Billing and Accounts Receivable (AR) Follow-Up services are at the forefront of this revolution, offering more than just routine billing and collections. By integrating analytics and optimization into the financial workflow, these services are transforming the very fabric of financial management.

Beyond Billing and Collections

The Power of Analytics and Optimization

Outsourced Billing & AR Follow-Up services transcend traditional financial processes by leveraging the power of analytics and optimization. This dynamic approach ensures that every aspect of your billing and AR is not just managed but optimized for peak performance. The result? A streamlined operation that not only saves time and resources but also significantly boosts your bottom line.

Cutting-Edge Automated Workflow Technology

At the heart of outsourced billing services lies cutting-edge automated workflow technology. This isn’t about replacing the human element; it’s about enhancing it. By automating routine tasks, we reduce the risk of human error, allowing your team to focus on areas that require human insight and expertise. The technology is designed to identify exceptions in each claim encounter meticulously, ensuring that each step in the billing process is accurate and accounted for.

Streamlining Your Financial Operations

Precision in Every Process

The journey to financial optimization is paved with precision. Our automated systems analyze every detail of your billing and AR processes, pinpointing areas of improvement. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; it’s a tailored approach that considers the unique aspects of your organization’s financial operations. By doing so, we ensure that every process is as efficient and effective as possible.

Enhancing Financial Well-Being

The ultimate goal of Outsourced Billing & AR Follow-Up is to enhance the financial well-being of your organization. Through strategic analysis and optimization, we don’t just aim to improve your current financial status but also to secure a healthier financial future. This approach not only streamlines your processes but also provides deeper insights into your financial operations, empowering you to make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability.

Elevating Your Financial Performance

Trust in Innovation and Precision

In the quest for financial excellence, innovation and precision are your greatest allies. Outsourced Billing & AR Follow-Up services embody these principles, offering a partnership that goes beyond mere service provision. Trusting in these services means entrusting your financial operations to experts dedicated to elevating your financial performance through state-of-the-art technology and strategic insights.

The Path to Enhanced Financial Health

Choosing to outsource your billing and AR follow-up is a step towards enhanced financial health. With a focus on analytics, optimization, and cutting-edge technology, these services offer a comprehensive solution to the complex challenges of modern financial management. It’s an investment in your organization’s future, ensuring that your financial operations are not just maintained but are continuously evolving and improving.

Outsourced Billing & AR Follow-Up services represent a paradigm shift in financial management. By prioritizing analytics, optimization, and technological innovation, these services offer a pathway to not only streamline your financial operations but also significantly enhance your organization’s financial well-being. Embrace the future of financial management and witness your organization’s financial performance soar to new heights.

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Legacy Conversion


Legacy conversion refers to the process of moving data, operations, and functionalities from an outdated or inefficient system to a newer, more advanced system. This transition is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: Modern systems are developed with the latest technologies, offering faster processing times and more intuitive interfaces.

  2. Improved Compliance: New software systems are often designed to comply with current regulations and standards, helping your organization stay compliant.

  3. Better Data Management: Advanced systems provide superior data management capabilities, allowing for more accurate and accessible patient or customer information.

  4. Increased Productivity: With updated features and fewer system downtimes, employees can work more efficiently, significantly boosting productivity.

There are three primary methods of system conversion: direct conversion, phase-in conversion, and parallel conversion.

  • Direct Conversion: This approach involves completely switching from the old system to the new system at once. It’s fast but carries higher risk if the new system fails.

  • Phase-in Conversion: Here, the new system’s features are gradually implemented over time. It reduces risk but can prolong the total time to full implementation.

  • Parallel Conversion: Running both systems simultaneously for a period ensures the new system operates correctly before fully transitioning. It’s the safest method but can be resource-intensive.

Choosing the right method depends on your organization’s risk tolerance, resource availability, and how critical the system is to your daily operations.

AR Clean-Up is a critical component of the legacy conversion process, ensuring that your accounts receivable management doesn’t falter during the transition. It involves:

  • Reviewing and reconciling outstanding accounts receivable.

  • Identifying and correcting any discrepancies.

  • Streamlining collection processes to improve cash flow.

Implementing AR clean-up before, during, and after a legacy conversion helps maintain financial stability and ensures that your organization doesn’t lose track of owed revenues during the transition.

The main challenges of legacy conversion include data loss, system downtime, employee resistance to change, and budget overruns. To mitigate these challenges:

  1. Thorough Planning: Develop a detailed conversion plan that includes risk assessment and mitigation strategies.

  2. Data Backup: Ensure all data is backed up before beginning the conversion process to prevent loss.

  3. Employee Training: Invest in comprehensive training programs to reduce resistance and ease the transition for your staff.

  4. Budget Management: Allocate resources wisely and plan for unforeseen expenses to avoid budget overruns.

Wakefield specializes in legacy conversion and AR Clean-Up, providing tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Our services include:

  • Expert Planning and Implementation: We offer strategic planning and implementation support to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Custom AR Clean-Up Projects: Our team tailors AR clean-up projects to fit your organization’s unique requirements, improving your cash flow and accounts receivable management.

  • Training and Support: We provide comprehensive training for your employees to help them adapt to the new system quickly and efficiently.

By partnering with Wakefield, you can ensure that your legacy conversion and AR clean-up processes are managed effectively, allowing your staff to focus on learning the new system without fear of reduced collections or financial instability.

Planning, testing, and training are key phases that can affect the overall timeline. Engaging with a professional service like Wakefield can help streamline the process and reduce downtime.